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Glen Island Harbour Club Wedding

While I can’t possibly promise you a double rainbow for your wedding at Glen Island Harbour Club, I can promise that you’ll have great food and great service.

Alyssa and Adam had a gorgeous wedding, and while we had a spot of rain during the portraits, the blue skies returned later in the day and presented us with this incredibly beautiful gift. It was during the reception, and many of the guests were peering out the windows looking out toward the Long Island Sound when we heard the screams of “rainbow” coming from the stairwell.

I grabbed my Nikon D5 camera and my assistant grabbed my Nikon SB500 flash and we quickly composed a few images for this lovely couple within a fast-paced three or four-minute time span. I was able to provide them with a variety of selections that juxtaposed them with the rainbow, and even yes, a double rainbow! I wish I could say that I bring rainbows and unicorns to each wedding that I shoot, but I guess I can only promise a rainbow from time to time.

In all seriousness, the ability to underexpose the sky and expose the couple perfectly takes practice and skill when under the pressure of a time constraint. I knew the rainbows would dissipate quickly, and I had to capture this scene as fast as I could. Allyssa and Adam recognized that time was a factor and they provided me with some great gesture for the photographs. So, for your Glen Island Harbor Club wedding, order up a few rainbows, and I’ll be there!

Location: 1 Glen Island Park, New Rochelle, NY 10805.

1/200; f/5.6; ISO 400; 75.0 mm.