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Wedding at Grounds for Sculpture

Whenever I get to shoot a wedding at Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton NJ, it allows me the opportunity to utilize such vast variety of scenarios throughout the incredible, expansive grounds.

In this image, our bride and groom pose amongst this amazing tree-lined pathway that winds around the grounds. It was one of the images the bride had asked for and is an image often identified with Grounds for Sculpture weddings.

The key to this image was shooting it with my Nikkor 70-200mm F2.8 VRII G lens for the compression. The light was coming from the left, so I was sure to place the bride in the perfect spot so she’d be lit beautifully by the sun’s rays. I used a wide aperture for a shallow depth of field.

1/500; f/4.0; ISO 2000; 200.0 mm.