For those who may visit my blog frequently, you may notice that this is brand spanking new! My entire website is now new, and I hope it will help showcase my work bigger and better. It’ll be home to a new blog, photographer’s page, and a new Lighting and Skillset Bootcamp page that will have more educational content moving forward. I’m now using Rob Greer’s Good Gallery website tools, and I’m truly grateful for his guidance through all of the work put in making this happen. Rob has been schooling me on the finer points of SEO. Most of it’s way over my head, but I’ll get there. This guy’s got more SEO savvy in his pinky than I have… well, anyway, he’s wicked smart. Also, my better half, Susan Stripling Mautner has been working tirelessly in helping me get this project finished. New sites are a huge time suck, and there’s light at the end of the tunnel. In any case, I’m looking forward to the change, and the simplicity of the blog will help me blog more… hopefully. As I gather images for the new site, I notice that I’ve lost touch with many images, but I still have many that have stood the test of time with ME. Over the next several days or few weeks, I’ll grab a few images, and I’ll give them a little attention. I’ll also give some insight as to why they still resonate with me.
This image was taken in 2008 near Playa Del Secreto, Mexico a few years ago, and I still remember the wedding well. It was early on in my relationship with my bride, who joined me on the shoot. The reception was held at a private estate, and the church was a short drive away. This church had so much character, and the light was pure gold. It was shortly before the ceremony, and Tri, our groom, was in the sacristy waiting to walk down the aisle. I’m always searching for moments before ceremonies, because it’s a great time to find some of the most organic and genuine moments of the day. As I went back through the altar and into the hallway to the sacristy, I saw Tri facing the window looking out. What I also saw was an amazing juxtaposition with Jesus behind him to the left. This photo has stayed with me for 7 years now, and I guess I still like the visual illusion that Jesus has his arm around Tri, and that he’s blessing the marriage.
During my seminars and workshops, I’ve often told attendees that the longer you make pictures, the more critical you’ll be of your own work. That self criticism is a truly important element in the growth process. The motivation is to make pictures you haven’t made before. With all of the weddings that my wife, Susan Stripling and I shoot, we try to push one another to find a uniqueness in a story that we’ve told hundreds of times. We encourage one another, and together we strive for the highest level of consistency we can. Once in a while, I’ll make a picture that resonates with me. This photo did just that, and still does. I hope to share a few more images before my new site goes live.
Shot in 2008, Nikon D700 AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm F2.8 VR ISO 400 F2.8 @ 1/1000th

Groom in Sacristy of church in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico